From luxury gift boxes to press and PR giveaways, Haus of Hendricks has the expertise, the print facilities, and the extensive professional network for the finest print materials. We work closely with Dubai’s leading luxury brands who need to curate gift boxes for their most sought after clients.

Bonafide First-Class
Gift Concepts
Today, more than ever before, we help our clients achieve the biggest impact with even the smallest of gestures, through our curated packaging solutions. Following grand and life-changing purchases we step in and ensure customers receive their parting gifts, which are symbolic of their new life transition. We take care of the finest details and leave no stone unturned in ensuring our luxury packaging features the most opulent materials and incorporates the textures, designs, and production standards that result in bonafide first-class concepts.
Making Impressions
That Matter
We know that for those on the hunt for innovative social media marketing methods, and for those looking to forge lasting relationships with clients and customers, nothing makes an impression quite like luxuriously packaged gift boxes. As a result of our extensive branding expertise, Haus of Hendricks has the experience, the background, and the industry insight to ensure you make the choices that instil wonder and excitement in your client base.

Branding is, at its best, a collaborative experience.
This is why we strive to get to the heart of your company’s goals, ambitions, and aspirations, allowing us to work alongside you to provide the branding and packaging tools you need. Furthermore, at Haus of Hendricks client satisfaction is of the utmost importance. We know that your happiness depends on the happiness of your clients, and as such, we’re dedicated to building brand solutions that work for you and your customer base alike.
Could your business benefit from our luxury packaging service in Dubai? If so, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our friendly, passionate, and professional team are on hand to help your brand grow.