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Driven by Business, Inspired by Design.

Creating a Sustainable Brand in Dubai

Sustainability is so much more than a buzzword – not least in the wake of the global pandemic, when consumers have awoken more than ever to consumerism.   Dubai is a city which consistently looks to the sustainable credentials of the brands they follow.   Here at Haus of Hendricks, we’ve seen first-hand time and

5 Key Tips For Taking Your Business International

We live in a deeply interconnected world, with networks criss-crossing the Earth, and global markets reforming the way we do business on a daily occurrence. It can be both easy and tempting – in this age of online markets and internet-based audiences – tomatically international in nature. However, the reality is that building and developing

Responding to Local Competition as a Global Brand

Large-scale global brands – those which are well placed within the $1.2 trillion consumer goods industry – have found themselves subject to smaller, local, home-grown brands.   Responding effectively to this change in trends has proven difficult, but hope is far from lost. Emerging markets, especially in Asia and the Middle East, have long been

Leadership in Action: 3 Daily Steps for Setting the Tone of Company Culture

Inspiring and effective leadership – and management that brings significant and enduring differences to stimuli, they require cultivation, and only when a wide array of different components are in place and ticking along correctly, will they develop the culture of engagement required for success.   Top-notch management is absolutely central to cultivating a culture of

The Seven Signs of Resilient Leadership

There is no single ‘cut and dried’ aspect of leadership that holds particular preference over another, just as there is no single attribute that successful leaders possess which leads to shine.   Despite this, there are certain characteristics that great leaders do share, and attributes that leaders should aim to see things through and get

Leadership in Action: Post-Pandemic Competitive Positioning

  It’s been a to come.   Alongside the severe humanitarian and health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, brands and executives across the globe have faced a vast array of unexpected and unprepared-for challenges: custory modifications have swooped in thick and fast, supply chains have faced major interruption, and unemployed and market collapses have

The Golden Age of Female Entrepreneurship

Who runs the world?   2021 might be looking uncertain at present, but one thing is for sure: it will be the year in which the forces of feminism and entrepreneurialism fully converge, and to the economy, consumers, and society alike.   This surge, while bubbling away for some time, will ultimately come down to

5 Unmissable Tips for Successful Rebranding Post-Pandemic

The storm of COVID-19 will undoubtedly pass. However, the world it leaves behind will be, without a shadow of a doubt, a significantly different place. People all across the world will be thinking differently, behaving differently, and consuming in markedly different ways. Indeed, we have already seen the beginnings of this shift right across the

Bring on the Disruption: Brand Growth in the Era of COVID-19

OK – it’s more than fair to start planning big and expanding your horizons.   However, the economic and business uncertainties brought about by coronavirus present opportunities alongside their limitations. In fact, the fluctuations we’re all seeing right now, and the lockdowns we’ve all had torm, and break out some bold decisions.   Routines, lives,

Navigating Brands Through the Age of COVID – 19

Make no mistake, these are extraordinary times we are living in. While nature is pressing the reset butto the drawing board, and start laying out plans for the new world that’s sitting on the horizon.   COVID-19 has brought instability and upset tory.   Put simply, it’s time to start planning your navigation through the